Offices today and in the future - Interstuhl-Event
Trade Fairs    05.12.2017     17490

Over decades the workspace changed a lot: From cubicle office over group and combi offices to today's tendency of open space areas. With the conversion of the workplace the requirements for sitting solutions changed as well. For that reason Interstuhl is increasingly examining the topic of the new world of work.

Therefore, the Topic of this year's Interstuhl event in Dubai was "Today's Offices and Beyond". Prof. Dr. Dieter Lorenz an expert for today's and future's way of work spoke to the topic. The focus of the event was the personal exchange between clients and partners of the Gulf region. In total around 40 guests were present.


Statement Prof. Dr. Dieter Lorenz

"The office work will change the most since the launch of the computer. Many standardized tasks of administrators or helpdesks will be taken over by the computer (Office 4.0). The office will become a place of coming together for intrinsic motivated and qualified people, who in parts will be working only temporary in projects of the enterprise. Working spaces will be diverse (work, where and when you want) and reach also the private surrounding. Even the recent efforts of the state will only have a small impact on that. "Mobile Working" will increase if the employees don't strike it back. As result of low presence times in the office and increasing space costs in cities, the number of permanent and individual allocated working places will decrease (Activity Based Offices). This also will be a challenge for producers of chairs and working places. Daily changing users require a fast and ergonomically correct adjustment of their equipment. The fusion of working and private world could become more. Of the work science's point of view, this could result in bigger work compression and stress, including possible health risks. Here it is important to influence actively for shaping the future instead of suffering it."


Interstuhl in Dubai

The Interstuhl-Showroom in Dubai has been launched in 2016. Beside of product presentation it is used for courses, A&D events and regional dealer conferences. It especially forms a place to go for local people interested in Interstuhl. Moreover, Interstuhl was able to gain with C+P Möbelsysteme as a partner for this showroom, well-established German furniture producer.



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